Kay Jewelers then and now

You find cool stuff clicking through to our commenters’ web sites. Case in point: T.C.’s Don’t Go Changing SF, a blog that finds an old picture of a SF building and shows it right next to a current one from the same angle.

Remember Kay Jewelers on 21st and Mission?

No? Weren’t you around in 1953? What are you, 27 or something? Maybe you know it as this:

I’ve always wondered about the origin of those weird Romanesque pillars in that particular building. No answers here. I guess they really didn’t care for them in 1953 and covered them up with that sign.

But look, if you can afford the lease, that could be your windowsill! On the downside, you’ll probably have to hear Medjool patrons every night.

[via Don't Go Changing SF, check it out for more great historical photos]

5 Responses to “Kay Jewelers then and now”

  1. Iknowrebekah says:

    These are super awesome!!

    I saw the Muybridge exhibit at the SFMOMA yesterday & it was kind of an older version of these with pics of SF in the late 1800′s. It was rather interesting to the see how developed the City was before the 1906 quake.

  2. Corpus Nerd says:

    Lease is probably like $5,000 a month or something else absurdly high.

  3. Linda says:

    I’ve had my eye on this building for years. All that lovely architecture had been covered up with signs. When they pulled down the portion on the right side I could tell there was more to the building. They only recently unveiled the portion on the left.

  4. Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

    It’s a shame that the lopped the top off of the cornice/trim in order to level it out.

  5. Kays Jewelry says:

    now that’s some great historical photo…

    but have to agree with Corpus though…
    Lease is absurdly high…