Hot new look for summer: Symbiotic mutualism

Form and fashion: in this example of a symbiotic mutualism, the fellow above feeds on small invertebrates which could potentially harm his female host. He is additionally protected from predators by her stinging cells, to which he is immune.

5 Responses to “Hot new look for summer: Symbiotic mutualism”

  1. Alex says:

    Is that Gary Shteyngart?

  2. I think I need to lose weight so I can do this more often…

  3. Miss Dove says:

    Only one more month before vacation is over and they enter the seventh grade. Then they can drop out and get cools jobs as know-it-all “baristas”.

  4. Chan Plett says:

    HEY! That’s me!

  5. Roni says:

    Hey Chan….that was awesome :)