Portrero Hill Bombing

Maybe there’s something to this whole intelligent design thing because Darwin is clearly wrong about these guys, who filmed themselves bombing Portrero hill and blowing stop signs on fixed-gear bikes.

BikeSnobNYC had these bits of commentary gold to offer:

I’m not sure why you’d make a video like this and put it on the Internet unless your goal is to figuratively urinate on the graves of every cyclist who has ever been killed by a motor vehicle through no fault of his or her own.

Ouch! And:

You’d also think that, in a city like San Francisco, climbing hills quickly would be the true measure of cycling prowess, but I guess water and stupidity always find their own level.

Great idea. Anyone want to start making some impressive “reverse hill bombing” videos? Let us know. We’ll meet you with the cameras (these may be cell phone cameras) at 22nd and Church.

[SFWeekly via BikeSnobNYC]