Pigeons Discover Street Food

Pigeon Street Food
Breaking Trend: A new pigeon run burrito Street Food operation opened up in the gutter on 20th and Mission.

This group of pigeons are mostly friends of the original pigeon, so the actual pigeon enthusiasm about this new pigeon venture may not be accurately reflected here. Nevertheless, analysts give it a high chance of success, given the fact that it’s in the gutter, and aimed at a mostly pigeon demographic. The bird will eat where the man won’t.

9 Responses to “Pigeons Discover Street Food”

  1. Jon says:

    I wish there was a way to “favorite” blog posts in WordPress.

  2. Edward says:

    Nice, as usual, Mr. Dovas.

  3. emamd says:

    is the pigeon on twitter?

  4. Lapidgeon says:

    I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this new burrito purveyor won’t make a dent in the Drunk/High vomit pigeon culinary scene. With new flavor combinations daily and a near city wide coverage, I don’t see how it can be beat.

  5. meave says:

    Pigeons are great. More pigeon posts, please, if they’re all going to be so–if not complimentary, then at least not derogatory.

  6. [...] Actually Day 2 of the Hunger Challenge wasn’t so bad. Okay I’ll admit it, someone gave me some fruit. I ate it and I loved it. What? People on limited budgets have friends with food. That’s what friends are for. Aside for my fruit transgression, I stayed within $4 budget by preparing a few meals on Monday night and packing them up Tupperware for the day. Though these guys are probably fuller than me. [...]

  7. [...] En realidad, el segundo día de Hunger Challenge no estuvo tan mal. Bueno, tengo que admitir que alguien me dio un poco de fruta. Me la comí y me encantó. ¿Qué? La gente que tiene presupuestos limitados tiene amigos con comida. Para eso son los amigos. Además de la transgresión frutal, me quedé con $4 dólares del presupuesto porque preparé una cuantas comidas el lunes por la noche y las puse en un Tupper para el día siguiente. Aunque probablemente estos tipos están más llenos que yo. [...]

  8. [...] Mission always seems to have the scoop on new Street Food vendors. Yesterday, Ariel uncovered this operation directed at an avian [...]

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