It’s always nice when you find out who “that guy” is is. Today, “that guy” is the jolly Indian dude with the bumpin’ speaker-loaded trike. You’ve probably seen him riding around Dolores Park or Sunday Streets and said to yourself, “that guy RULES”.
Well, that guy introduced himself today on our Introduce Yourself page:
Hi folks -
My name is Amandeep but everyone calls me ‘Deep. I’ve lived in the Mission since I discovered it in ’96.
I’m all about making urban spaces the most vibrant, enjoyable and human places possible, and I love our particular slice o’ the planet. I’m doing my best to give back all the awesomeness that is the Mission & SF.
I’m involved in a lot of of SF stuff (SF League of Conservation Voters, SF Bicycle Coalition), local stuff (Dolores Park Movie Night) and my own crazy activities (my flash mob dance parties: and my roving tricycle sound system – which you’ve probably heard blasting around our ‘hood and Dolores Park
Rock On Mission Mission!
- ‘deep
Facebook him if you want, and next time you see him say, “What’s up, ‘deep!”
[photo by Velo Vogue]
thanks for clearing that up! that’s guy’s awesome! i see him all over the place and he seems like a great guy. also: ooooh, flash mob dances!
RULING dude. I wanna make him a rad Thin Lizzy mix and then just skate behind him all day long.
i don’t understand why he didn’t mention his non-facebook website is
because i think that’s a lot cooler than any
One should also mention his awesome disco ball costume. ‘Deep delivers.
Man – I hate that guy!
Oh wait – it’s me! Never mind!
Aww shucks guys – I had no idea posting to your page would lead to such a blushfest! (“Introduce Yourself” is such a great idea – community building!)
And as per the comments so far:
Here is my Disco Ball costume (What up Todd!):
And here is my blog which covers my general shenanigans:
Thanks for all you do Mission Mission!
.ps “Jolly”? I know I’ve had a few too many Xmas cookies lately – but dag.
I too have just indulged in about 3 too many xmas cookies. Those and reading about you, sir, just put a gigantic sugary smile on my mug.
Don’t Stop Believing!
As someone living on Valencia who’s predisposed to hate cyclists and loud noise, I have to say, I think you’re great. Your playlist is generally awesome, and I’ve never heard you roll through the neighborhood at 3 in the morning blasting your tunes. Keep it going (during appropriate hours)!!!!!
Deep’s the real deal–full of great ideas, great beats, great dance moves, great big smile and great energy. It’s always a great time when Deep’s around. Thanks for being you Deep!!!
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