Be careful when bumming out cigarettes to random strangers! The SFAppeal Crime Blotter recounts a startling story that could happen to any of us:
10:40 PM: A man was at 21st and Capp when another man reportedly asked him for a cigarette — but that request was, seemingly, a diversion, as another man came up from behind the requestee and knocked him to the ground. The two men allegedly robbed the grounded guy of his cell phone, then fled on foot. The victim’s injuries weren’t serious, and no one’s been arrested.
The only solution seems to be outright scroogery regarding all street tobacco requests, or at the very least only buying hand-rolled from now on. Wait, are people even bumming cigarettes out to strangers on the streets anymore? Don’t they cost like 50 cents each or something?
Anyway, I’m excited about SFAppeal Crime Blotter’s new Google Maps mashup. Very helpful for pinpointing exactly how close violent crime is happening next to you. Let them know if you like it or think it’s obtrusively unnecessary.
[image courtesy of MissionLoc@l]
Update: Now with more Ackbar!