Hey no big deal but here’s Terry Zwigoff and Robert Crumb getting down to Craig and Meredith

Craig Ventresco and Meredith Axelrod are San Francisco legends in my book. Glad to know I’m in good company with Robert Crumb and Terry Zwigoff. Why don’t you join this elite club of ragtime, early jazz, and blues fans and get down to Atlas Cafe on Saturdays 4-6pm?

Don’t forget we interviewed inverviewed Mr. Zwigoff in 2012! He was a delight.

Craig Ventresco and Meredith Axelrod – Cold Mornin’ Shout

Here’s Craig Ventresco and Meredith Axelrod killing at Porto Franco Record’s Mission HQ. She’s just playing guitar in this one, but Meredith is also a remarkable singer. Check out this clip of her singing about the lost San Francisco dance sensation, the Grizzly Bear.

In case you missed it, they play every Saturday at Atlas Cafe from 4-6pm.

Flash mob organizing at Atlas Cafe today to simultaneously stare at laptops

This just in from blues/ragtime guitar genius and national treasure Craig Ventresco:

Bring your own laptop to join in the fun. Or, if you wanna watch the music, you will not be disappointed. Craig plays every Saturday from 4-6pm at Atlas Cafe and you might recognize his music in the movie Crumb, by Terry Zwigoff.