Chapeau Cleavage

Alternative Design Studio‘s store front was a little racier than usual when I saw this last week.  Nice rack too.

Bald Cats like Literature Too

I experienced it all at Litquake:

The Good: hearing the phrase “earnestly pimpled.”

The Bad: heat so intense upstairs at the Elbo Room I had to leave, thus allowing me to hear the phrase “earnestly pimpled” downstairs.

The Ugly: I like cats but damn cat (Yelp informs me his her name may be Ripley), you need some hair!

Any writers that blew your socks off? Strange characters? Anyone else notice and/or find refreshing that the average age on Valencia rose about 20 years last night?

Gunshots in Clarion Alley?

Reader Cyn has a question for us:

I have a deck that overlooks Clarion Alley. This morning, at 4:40 a.m., we were woken up by 21 gunshots. Does anyone know what happened??

Can anyone enlighten us on what went down in one of our favorite muraled alleys?

49-Mile Scenic Drive Signs Point to Friday Night Fun

The Curiosity Shoppe tonight hosts an opening reception for Annie Gavin‘s new show, 49 Reasons Why. The whole show is said to be inspired by San Francisco’s famous 49-Mile Scenic Drive signs. Browse more of the artist’s work at her online store. Thanks, Eve! (via sfgirlbybay)

Is that enough links for one three-sentence post? No? Well, then…

Previously on Mission Mission:

.02 Mile Scenic Drive-Thru Sign at Jimboy’s Tacos in Sacramento Pokes Fun at San Francisco’s 49-Mile Scenic Drive Signs

Ice Cream Social Tonight

Southern Exposure tonight hosts the culmination of artist Brion Nuda Rosch‘s month-long residency, which has featured an ice cream stand and a series of ice cream socials:

Throughout the month, ice cream has been served and conversations have been had. Visit the gallery for a final social and opportunity to experience the ephemera of past activities and actions. The Portable Ice Cream Stand is a happening, and we offer you an invitation to participate.

Link. Party starts at 6pm.

What's That Helicopter Doing?

Reader Jeff writes: “Anyone know why there’s a helicopter circling the Mission all morning? -Or am I getting all Good-Fellas paranoid?”

I was wondering too. Seemed to be hovering right over my 12-Folsom stop.

Update (seconds later): zinzin says “bomb squad 16th & Valencia,” and Christina confirms, “yup. they’ve blocked off the streets surrounding 17th and van ness and have (or had on my way to work this a.m.) pulled over a truck they think has explosives in it. There’s this little robot like guy scanning the car.”

Thanks, all!

Voting Is Like Pressing a Button on a Remote Control with No Batteries

The other day I wrote a post questioning why very few young people attended the District 9 supervisor debate on Tuesday. A reader by the name of Concerned published a retort:

Has it occurred to you that the odds of any young person’s vote affecting the outcome of an election are on par with the odds that the large hadron collider will suck the earth into a black hole? (”So you’re saying it could happen!”) Electoral politics are a wasteland, voting is like pressing a button on a remote control with no batteries. I can understand why some old person might devote their time to that type of symbolic gesture, but compared to other youth passtimes (having sex with other youths, sangria), it is a poor investment.

That had occurred to me, and even if it’s true, and voting is just a symbolic gesture, why shouldn’t everyone be allowed to partake? Symbolic gestures can be fun!

Gas-Free Friday: Get Energized at 17th and Valencia

Just a reminder: Tomorrow’s installment of the SFBC‘s month long Gas-Free Fridays initiative features an energizer station on the corner of 17th and Valencia Streets. There, cyclists can fill up on fair-trade coffee and other goodies.

Displacement Alert: King Trumpet Sandwich w/Bacon Displaces Bacon-Wrapped Hotdog as Best Thursday Night Street Food

It’s true. But is it a metaphor for something unsavory, or is it just amazingly savory? Thanks, Mission Street Food!

Update: Burrito Justice has some tasty visuals here.

Late-Night Gourmet Roach Coach: Week 2

Tonight, Mission Street Food is back in full force. Chef Anthony wrote in after last week’s big debut:

Hi, this is Anthony. Thanks to everyone who came and withstood a long wait, and sorry to anyone who came after we sold out. I was expecting a soft opening consisting of foot traffic and a couple of friends, but those friends did me the “favor” of spreading the word for the opening (as well as the favor of helping me in a pinch–thanks you guys).

Anyway, the truck came 40 minutes late and there were a few customers before I had even set foot inside to cook there for the first time ever. I was moving things in and getting organized when a friend texted me about a line in front. I will definitely be ready next week. I plan to be open every week, but in case of rain or serious mishap, I’ll post closures here:

Thanks again–it was great to see local eaters mobilize so quickly. See you Thursday.

Yessir, rapid mobilization is the stamp of us local eaters. In any case, tonight should be good. The official menu and official hours of operation can also be found at the aforementioned URL.