Pac-Man Meets Acid


So what’s going on here?  Is Pac-Man freaking out and eating Ms. Pac-Man?  Puking up a tofu scramble from the Pork Store Cafe?  Blowing a bubble?  Getting the tagger’s hands cut off?

6 Responses to “Pac-Man Meets Acid”

  1. fsharp says:

    I love how all the glass windows at arms reach in this city have to be covered in paint every 2 days. All for art! So funny that people inside can’t see the light outside! Ha ha!

  2. loosecharm says:

    Is this a new tagging appreciation blog?

  3. Drew says:

    Tagging does not street art make. How about multiple friggin’ colors, or at least stencils…

  4. 17 year local says:

    please keep the tags flowing.

    i do enjoy them.

  5. Bjorn Toulouse says:


  6. Bjorn Toulouse says:

    …and stencils are bitchmade yo.