The Long Way Home

The problem with working from home is that it is not often that I get to immerse myself beyond Capp/24th/Valencia/Dolores.  Sarah Palin’s “real Mission.”  I’ve started meandering around the side streets of the Mission these days (besides, the smell of Ritual makes me nauseous) and it turns out that there is some interesting shit street art graffiti going on out there.

3 Responses to “The Long Way Home”

  1. Dolores says:

    Glad I am not the only that thinks that Rituals smoke stack is disgusting…

  2. LINDYLULA says:

    Second only to Pete’s chicken. Good food but I have a hard time stomaching the blast of concentrated broiled chicken smell.

  3. melissa says:

    Have you ever seen that guy that freaks out and stands in the middle of Valencia Street screaming about the smell emanating from Ritual? Apparently they had to get a restraining order and that’s as close as he can get.