Danny Bowien brings ‘San Francisco hipster Oriental’ to the LES

Since none of us can get enough of Danny Bowien, here’s yet another article about him, in NYMag. (Bonus #1: This one was written by Molly Young, a San Francisco native and one of my favorite young reporters today. Bonus #2: Unrelated, but NYMag also just happened to publish a piece featuring one of our very own writers’ feet.)

In this piece, Danny talks happiness, monosodium glutamate, duck blood extrusion, Martha Stewart and her seating requests, partying, puking, and his tradition of pounding Buds in honor of visiting dignitaries.

3 Responses to “Danny Bowien brings ‘San Francisco hipster Oriental’ to the LES”

  1. DILL says:

    I love Danny Bowien, what a nice guy. Always has nice things to say, generosity pours from his heart, best wishes to him and his latest venture!

  2. moderniste says:

    Don’t get me wrong; I love most everything about Mission Chinese. But I’ve reached a critical mass of articles about Mr. Bowien. It seems like every “cultural” rag gets the same “idea” (publicist) at the same time, kinda like how there’s now a spate of Snow White movies. It’s not Danny’s fault though.

  3. Bradley says:

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