Bike Basket Pies recipe booklet is now a handy iPhone app

I love pie! Buy it here!

(The actual physical booklet is available for sale at a bunch of actual physical local retailers as well. Full list here.)

Sutro Tower’s looking a little structurally unsound on Google Satellite

[via Satellite Tourist]

Monkey hot tub

The Tenderloin Geographic Society spotted this object on a curb. They have a few guesses as to what it is, but I’m thinking their first one (Monkey hot tub, doy) is right on the money.

How to keep your tree from falling over


Here are a couple of choice altars from last night’s Day of the Dead in Garfield Square park.

Steve Jobs inside a Mac Classic II (alongside other computer science luminaries that passed away this year):

Bonus: Ronny James Dio with the Dio Calavera Band

Riding the Treasure Island Music Festival ferris wheel

[via C'mon Pony]

Back rest

Like so you don’t develop any back problems from lazing about in the prak.

(Thanks, Eliza!)

Parachute party in the park

Inside a San Francisco Fire Department callbox

-…® gives us some history:

Those things still work and are faster than 911 as I was told today. Huh! Who woulda known. Also in the 89 quake the blue police phones are the only ones that worked in the whole bay. That’s why we still have this system.

Suck it, iPhones! Accelerometer that!

[link and link]

Thrifting 2.0

Yardsale is a new locally-produced app that combines the Craigslist buy/sell section, a thrift store, that free pile on the curb, and a third world street stall. That is, you can buy, sell, haggle, give things away, take things for free, and maybe even meet some of your neighbors — all through the comfort of your phone.

Ryan, one of the two guys behind Yardsale, recently contacted us and gave us a sneak peek. Within a couple days, I’d sold a messenger bag in a remarkably non-creepy transaction.

Check out some of the rad stuff up for grabs right now: