Forest Tacos

While it remains the undeniable right for everyone on this beautiful planet to enjoy continuous access to tacos, wouldn’t you feel a bit reluctant to accept the authenticity of one being handed to you by someone named Jimboy?  I mean, seriously, Jimboy’s Tacos?  I guess if you live in Nevada City (pictured), you can’t be too choosy.

Of course, Allan says they really hit the spot, and a close inspection of their menu shows that in addition to being around for over 50 years, they serve TACO BURGERS (wha???) along with the classic super burritos and chile rellenos and stuff.  Plus, they definitely have a sense of humor, so next time I pop up here for some cabin fever fun, I’ll have to ignore the unfortunate name and give them a shot!


Mission Burritos Hit Canada

Burrito Map

.02 Mile Scenic Drive-Thru Sign at Jimboy's Tacos in Sacramento Pokes Fun at San Francisco's 49-Mile Scenic Drive Signs

11-24-07_1438, originally uploaded by Mission Mission.

For Thanksgiving, we went to Sacramento to see the fam and take part in the 20th Annual Appetite Enhancement & Fat Tire Ride. Sunday morning, we went to Jimboy’s Tacos and noticed this ingenious bit of signage while waiting in line for our box of hangover-halting grease.

For reference, the real thing looks something like this.

And since the holidays are upon us, we suggest checking out the Jimboy’s Cafe Press store.