Daily Update

In case you need some extra guidance, this daily update is on the new postin’ posts on Valencia St. Somebody is clearly on top of keeping it up to date.

Forget what day of the week it is? No problem, check out the post. What’s the current terrorist alert level? Lime… well that’s good I guess. Looks like irrational numbers aren’t exempt from the daily lucky number. Are imaginary numbers also allowed? You’re just going to have to stay tuned.

Street Artist Demonstrates the Moiré Effect

Proving that you can stick it to the man and be educational.

For more on Moiré patterns, consult this informative wiki entry. For more nightmarish photos of mouth as eyes, go here… and plan on not sleeping tonight.

Snapped on 18th & Valencia St.

23 can Only be Divided by Itself or by One


Found at the bus stop at 23rd and Mission. (Credit – Brittney Gilbert)