Celebrate Mission Pie’s 5th anniversary

Tomorrow, January 3rd, Mission Pie will be celebrating five delicious years with their 5th Anniversary Party from 3-8pm. And what better way to start 2012 than to forego any health-related New Year’s resolutions and stuff your face with pie?

[Photo via Organic Nation]

Update: Here’s a flyer with more details!

Behind the Scenes at Mission Pie

Pie party!  Fill ‘er up.

From Don’t ask me, I just work here.

Pie Baking Contest Takes the Cake

It’s not every day that you can stuff your face with delicious pie without looking like a total piggy, but Sunday provided the perfect opportunity. October 11th marked the 3rd annual pie baking contest hosted by our fave pie shop, Mission Pie. This year’s contest was decided by a panel of distinguished judges; Ruby – Mission High student, Anthony – Anthony’s Cookies, Jessica Appelgren – last year’s winner, and Krystin & Karen – owners of Mission Pie.

The competition was fierce this year, but in the end Finch Linden walked away with “Best Looking Pie” (apple), Lauren Nilson won “People’s Choice” (salmon/ potato), Emily Montgomery grabbed “Best Savory” (tomato/ corn) and “Best in Show” went to Kurt Gross (apple/cranberry). Congrats to the winners!





But the big news of the day was that our state senator Mark Leno swung by and presented Mission Pie with a business of the year award. Well done guys!
Can’t wait for next year, I’m already drooling in anticipation!


See more pics of the pie madness here

-Ashleigh Cole

Pie Contest at Mission Pie THIS SUNDAY



3rd Annual Pie Contest Sunday, October 11th

All are welcome to enter. Pie submissions will be received between 1:00pm and 2:30pm. Judging between 2:30 and 4:00 and winners announced soon after. This year’s judging panel includes Jessica Appelgren, last year’s first prize winner who has since gone on to claim the Blue Ribbon at the San Mateo County Fair! We will be welcoming a special guest at Mission Pie that day, too.


Mission Pie to Serve Pizza Pie!

I heard whispered rumors of such a phenomenon, and so I decided to walk into the lion’s den. I stepped into Mission Pie and demanded an answer from the teenager behind the counter. With darting eyes and a hushed voice, he confirmed that this is indeed the case. Mission Pie will soon expand into more than a sweet treat store: pizza is on its way!

Apparently, a new kitchen or something unimportant like that has to be finished and it won’t be done until probably late this year, but I didn’t really hear the specifics. I was in a pizza haze, imagining a late night slice on the way home from BART, laughing joyously with a friend. There may have also been a warm breeze in the air and a friendly bum on the sidewalk.

Has anyone told Serrano’s?

Is chicken pot pie next?

Will Mission Mission ever get sick of Mission Pie stories?