This guy can’t piss if there’s someone else in the bathroom with him

So he has his friend guard the door for him, and no one else is allowed in even when there are two urinals and TEN GUYS IN LINE. We were like, “R U SERIOUS??”

The friend granted us permission to snap a picture and blog about it, like as a public service, so you’ll know what to expect if you find yourself in line behind this guy.

(If it’s determined that this is too mean or something, I guess I’ll take it down. Lemme know.) (But seriously, if you need the whole bathroom to yourself, maybe don’t go to a dive bar full of hundreds and hundreds of needing-to-piss men? I dunno.)

41 Responses to “This guy can’t piss if there’s someone else in the bathroom with him”

  1. And then she says:

    Annoying and inconsiderate? Yes.
    Weird? Yep.
    Talking about it with friends? Sure, as long as it’s a brief conversation.
    Blogging about it with a picture of the guy? Kinda mean.

  2. buzzgirl says:

    Fuck that guy!

    Who thinks it’s perfectly fine to commandeer a public restroom?


  3. no fish today says:

    maybe he was doing that mission ‘caine

  4. And then she says:

    Public humiliation is so cool.

  5. rod says:

    girls do this all the fucking time but i’ve never seen their pictures posted on here.

  6. See, there’s a perfect example of someone I’d punch. And if his posse was too big, I’d talk to the bouncer. Fucking asshole who shouldn’t be allowed out in public.

  7. Chris says:

    I thought this blog couldn’t get any classier. I stand corrected.

  8. Pedro Navaja says:

    Fucktard should wear Depends.

  9. Joshua says:

    he needs to get over it, it’s El Rio for crissakes.

  10. scum says:

    Maybe he has a real little dick.

  11. HesADouche says:

    typical ‘doin coke in the bathroom’ douche. pretty obvious.

  12. t says:

    Some people really are pee shy (technically called paruresis). Not saying it’s not impossible he’s actually doing blow, but for people who are legitimately pee shy, it can be a real problem.

  13. Dwight Supremacy says:

    Not mean at all! This douchebaggery is unbelievable.

  14. MrEricSir says:

    A real man can pee anywhere, at any time.

  15. sixtypercenttogether says:

    yeah, this post is pretty mean, but whatever. not only could you not wait the extra 60 seconds it might take for this dude to drain his member in private, you had to blog about it.

    as other’s have pointed out pee-shy is a real thing. I should know, as I’ve got it. It wasn’t always this way, but about 15 years ago, it just started happening. and it really, really sucks.

    I’ve actually left bars and gone home because I had to pee so bad and knew that I wouldn’t be able to in the shitty trough in the men’s room. or at least, I’ve ducked into the taqueria next door, where I could pee in privacy.

    I don’t think I would ever hold up your precious line like this, but if I did I certainly wouldn’t expect it to be blogged about. grow up.

    • barry says:

      Have you tried male enhancement. Get over yourself and your small member hahaha

    • As others have pointed out to me many times, being non-athletic is a real thing, especially as I am more than 15 years past my prime. Consequently, I no longer sign up for adult softball and require opposing pitchers to throw real slow and allow me more than 3 strikes.

      Likewise, IF YOU CAN’T FUCKING PEE IN A PUBLIC TOILET WITHOUT A FUCKING GUARD, DON’T GO OUT DRINKING ENDLESS BEERS IN PUBLIC. Sure, if you’re in a wheelchair, we’ll be more than happy to stay out of your way so you can navigate the door. But don’t expect other people to coddle an otherwise healthy-looking person’s pathetic neurosis as if it was some kind of badge of honor.

      On reflection, however, I suspect that some of the other people who commented are correct about the drug-oriented nature of this situation.

  16. pfffft says:

    not so much mean as lame.

    oooh, blogger revenge! you showed him!

    freaking peons

  17. beartrash says:

    This story was brought to you by the words, “douchebag” and “entitlement”

  18. LibertyHiller says:

    So very punchable, between the stupid grins and the thumbs-up. If you’re that pee-shy, stay home.

    • scum says:

      Or piss in the shitter.

      • batman says:

        THANK YOU ! YESS why not just piss in the shitter stall YOU DAMM FOOL ! if you want private ! damm ! and if he was doing coke, DONT GO INTO A BATHROOM WITH COKE UNLESS YOU GOT ENOUGH TO SHARE WITH ALL ! ELSE, duck under the table … pretend to tie a shoe and DIP THE KEY IN THE BAG AND SNORT IT FOOL ! but dont let ANY of your habits, inconvenience others..

    • TigerUppercut says:

      Punch in the grins, boot to the crotch. same for his little toady, too.

  19. Austin says:

    Probably just doing a line or writing on the walls.

  20. DomPara says:

    Does a patchy beard impede coke intake, or does it filter impurities?

  21. ALWAYS HIGH says:


  22. crikcrawler says:

    Regardless of the motive, the setting and clientele instantly denote a totally repugnant culture of deluded self absorbed drug and alcohol dependant shells obsessed with posturing, preening, and fulfilling their cliched ideal of a “goodtime”. Total psychosis.

  23. wizzer says:

    So, I’m wondering why the 10 guys in line were such pussies and didn’t just push on thru to take their pisses?

    What’s with that?

    But yea, the pee shy guy is weird and prob doing meth.

  24. SFNative says:

    I’m painfully shy in public bathrooms as well (possibly not to this gentlemen’s degree), but I’d never inconvenience everyone else in the venue this way, and I wouldn’t allow myself from being deterred by these numnuts.

  25. No fish today says:

    I just saw this guy tonight at Pop’s. Dude seemed to be holdin on to his bladder tonight.

  26. Mr Ektid Yuthe says:

    Without more information it’s hard to tell how much of a douche you are being. A 10 person line can form rather quickly, especially in a crowded bar. If the guy took about 5 minutes, give him a break, he’s trying to keep his condition from ruling his life. If it was a half hour, he should have been more considerate of others. I also suffer from this affliction, though I usually try to plan for it, I usually try to find low-key establishments nearby that have single-servs restrooms with locking doors, empty alleyways, go behind dumpsters or seek a wooded area. Sometimes I try to just push it out , but on one occasion when I was at a party held on a country road, this caused me to pass out, hitting my head on a friend’s truck and chipping a tooth. But, there are ways to be more considerate of others (even if others don’t possess the compassion to be considerate of those who do have such afflictions.) On the other hand, paruresis is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, so congratulations! You are publicly humiliating a disabled person! Know of any crippled or mentally handicapped people you would like to laugh at as well? Also, this problem has nothing to do with penis size, and everything to do with our natural fight-or-flight response, and a matter of synchronously relaxing the two sphincter muscles that control the flow of urine. It should also be noted that actor Ryan Reynolds has publicly stated that he also suffers from this problem, and as he has married and been involved with some of the most attractive women in Hollywood, it is rather silly to think there is anything slight about his equipment. Big dicks won’t pee if the two muscles won’t relax simultaneously. So, rather than making fun of people, why don’t you help them try to be at ease so they can relax and do the bodily function that so many people take for granted. Imagine if one day you woke up and couldn’t breath in public anymore. Wouldn’t that suck? And would you want people humiliating you for it?