Gang shit

SF Weekly reported yesterday that two men had been stabbed on Bryant Street the night before, within a few hours of each other. The first victim, a 31-year-old man, was approached by three attackers at 5:25pm, and the second, a 23-year-old man, was approached by eight attackers at 1am. Details were scarce, until this chilling update:

Officer Albie Esparza says in both cases the suspects were gang members and asked the victims who they were affiliated with before stabbing them. Neither victim is related to a gang, police confirmed. [link]

8 Responses to “Gang shit”

  1. concerned says:

    what was the cross street?

  2. Greg says:

    White people

  3. SFrentier says:

    I’m sure Campos is very concerned about all this….

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Undoubtedly he is! But what he can do on his own as a single lame-duck member of the BoS is very, very limited.

  4. john says:

    “oh, we are so real because we are trying to gentrify a bad neighbourhood”. This blog reeks of self-righteousness.

  5. Gates says:

    Where is the “outrage” from the community activists?