Help chef Anthony Myint open a radical new restaurant

Anthony’s done tons for the Mission. From those wild-west early days at Mission Street Food, to the worldwide phenomenon that is Mission Chinese Food, and of course the advent of the Mission Burger — he’s been there for all of it. (And all of his projects are constantly raising money for local charities.)

Now’s a chance to give back. He’s opening a new restaurant called the Perennial in the Mid-Market area, with an aim toward completely reinventing the way restaurants source their stuff and expend energy. It’s gonna be greener than green. It could change the world, solve climate change. But they need a little help getting started:

For donating to the Kickstarter, you’ll receive great rewards like CSA boxes, the Mission Street Food book, or even private dinners at the Perennial once it’s open.

3 Responses to “Help chef Anthony Myint open a radical new restaurant”

  1. Mike says:

    Sounds incredible

  2. Pacific Standard Simon says:

    “Now’s a chance to give back”?


    People have supported him throughout all his wacky little ventures, but now it’s time to “give back”?

    Don’t even get us started.

  3. Greg says:

    Not gonna happen.