Free Jazz Friday at the Explorist International, that newish record store on 24th Street you’ve passed a million times but haven’t been into yet

Yeah, you, commuter. You’ve been passing this Explorist International place twice a day since October, and you always say to yourself, “Hey, I should go in there one of these days,” but you’re always in too much of a hurry. Right?

Well, tonight’s the night. At 7 sharp there’s a free jazz party going on. The core duo are a drummer and a vibraphonist I think, which should be dope.

At the last event, some random kid rolled up on a skateboard, pulled out a pocket trumpet and jammed on the last couple numbers, and then skated off into the night without another word. Rad.

And follow their blog for updates about hot deals and future goings on.

Backward Skate

If you find yourself with a weary soul tomorrow night, consider reviving it at El Patio with “fresh blossoming funk, disco, italo, electro, and freestyle which is sure to help you revive your weary soul.” For the low price of $3.

Backward Skate on FB.

Area citizen unsatisfied with SFPD

We did a post the other day spotlighting one citizen’s supreme satisfaction with an experience involving the SFPD.

Stu wrote in today with a very different perspective:

I broke my hip on 24th and mission after being jumped a year and a half ago. The EMT asked me if I had “had a little fight with my friends” and also asked me to stand up AFTER I had told them where I was having pain. Then they told me it was not likely my hip. When the police arrived they were having a jolly time laughing and when I raised my voice to try and get some actual help they treated me like a suspect and told me to “take it down a notch”. I couldn’t believe the way they handled my situation. It made me sick. A miserable time all together. My friend ended up driving me to the hospital because i was so pissed with the police and the EMT workers. I have 8 screws and a plate now in my hip and three assholes walked. Probably high-fiving each other as the cops did nothing.

Not good, SFPD.

[Photo by Troy Holden]

‘Bartenator vs. Bartbo’ epic 7th grade doodle

Podboy may be new on the scene, but his series of recently unearthed 7th grade papers and doodles is blowing me away every single day.

Bartenator versus Bartbo, as you can see, is an instant classic. (The “ink please” piece was a doozie too, right?)

Pierogi party tomorrow

A fresh comment on our announcement about SF’s last big pierogi party:

Great Scott!!! PierogiSF is coming Back<<< To The New Taste Marketplace! Noon – 5pm tomorrow, Saturday, March 12th. All traditional potato & onion this time, since they sold out before many pierogi seekers were able to experience a blast from their past. But beware, no DeLorean time machine can save you if we run out again, so be sure to come early!

Don’t be tardy!

[Photo by reg5057]

How to survive the next San Francisco earthquake

TK has a series of tips for before, during and after. Here’s some of the after:

- The first thing you should do is try and figure out who your Leader will be in the Post-Apocalyptic Nightmare that you now inhabit. Try to gravitate towards people wearing animal skins and carrying guns. The Leader should be charismatic but also quietly assured and have a spiritual side that he doesn’t reveal, except maybe in one scene with Mila Kunis.

- You will need to rebuild the shattered world, so be the first to loot a nearby hardware store.

- Try to stay out of the Rivers of Blood. God knows what weird diseases those people had.

Solid advice, TK! Read on.

[Photo by foxyslipperz246]

Month-long pizza party at Pop’s continues tomorrow

Indie-pop cover of ‘I Wanna Be Your Lover’ by La Bionda

Not better than the crippling amazing original, but not bad.

(Thanks, Rebecca!)

Bike builder

This very short film depicts Chas of TCB Courier putting a bike together.

Now, go order a sandwich.

(Thanks, Storts!)

Disgusting birthday cake

[via stemuzz]