And Now For Your Morning Dose of Berkeley Rage

Really?  You’re raising the tuition again?  You guys remember what happened last time, right?  Granted, this is an 8% tuition hike rather than last year’s odious 32% increase, but that still makes student fees double what they were six years ago.  And on top of that, you’re increasing the number of “senior officials” making over $200k?!??

Oh, I know.  You’ve got to pay that much in order to remain competitive enough to attract the top administrative talent.  Sure, the same “talent” whose selfish decisions are gradually eroding one of the wonders of the modern world, the University of California system, in which any Californian could get a top-flight education no matter what their economic background?  Yeah, sure, they’ve got a proven track record.  OF FUCKING UP.

This has been your morning dose of BERKELEY RAGE.  Please enjoy the rest of your day.