Nice Parking Job, Asshole

Oh, you’re just going into Little Star for a minute? Oh, okay, bro.

13 Responses to “Nice Parking Job, Asshole”

  1. Rich says:

    Someone should have dropped one of these on the car

  2. Beah says:

    This post basically sums up perfectly my feelings towards drivers and, more generally, other people. Bravo, Allan. Now come over so I can whoop you in table tennis.

  3. Allan Hough says:

    I pass your place twice daily. Name a time, I’ll be there.

  4. johnny0 says:

    We should start carrying sharpies so we can write “Bad Parking = Bad Karma” on windshields. (Or at least a dry erase marker….)

  5. I saw something that may very well be worse at Lucky 13 one night.

  6. johnny0 says:

    I actually think the zebra hummer would be an *improvement*. (Then again, an army of sharpie-wielding Mission Mission readers could quickly achieve the same result.)

  7. [...] Learn how to park, idiot. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Nibbles: eLayoffs, labels and kitties”, url: “″ }); Posted in News | Read More » [...]

  8. Dapper says:

    I can’t see in the picture exactly how badly/where this person parked. Does anyone have any additional information?

  9. Allan Hough says:

    Right in the middle of the crosswalk, Valencia crossing 15th, west side of the street.

  10. rlw says:


  11. Allan Hough says:


  12. LIberty says:

    You guys in the mission really have nothing better I do I see….
    Parking in the city sucks, and yes, it’s better to walk or bike, but not everyone wants to or can.
    So if you accept the fact people are different and prefer different modes of transportation and this is part of living in the city, parking jobs like this won’t elevate your blood pressure.
    If the car is violating the law, have it towed. That is the best way to stop people from bad parking jobs that violates the law.

    Otherwise, enjoy your days here in SF. because when we gentrify the mission, you will all be moving to west oakland… which a lot of you already have. hahahha,

    Yes, it is class warfare… they don’t call it lower class for nothing.

  13. Allan Hough says:


  14. JB says:

    they should have posted one of these stickies on it