Attack Blackbird Comes to Capp?


It looks like there is another “Swoops” on 800 block of Capp St.  That’s right, some aggro Brewer’s Blackbird has moved into the neighborhood.  While I could not find its nest, it sure seemed interested in warding off “gentrification” as I walked by.

Does anyone think CNN will come out and film on Capp St.?  Yeah, probably not.

"Batter up"

"Batter up"

5 Responses to “Attack Blackbird Comes to Capp?”

  1. tangobaby says:

    Not in the mission, but there is also a “Swoop” on Church between Market and Duboce, about midway up the block, near the grocery store. I saw it divebomb a guy yesterday and we both laughed.

    These birds must be talking to each other.

  2. zinzin says:

    capp street, really, so much to offer.

  3. Rachel says:

    I’ve been dive-bombed twice on De Haro and 16th out front Sally’s… same place but maybe 8 months apart. Nature of the bird? Protecting their young? It’s pretty scary/funny.

  4. tuffdadsf says:

    there are also blackbirds that swoop at UCSF up on Parnassus. What happens is they make a nest in one of those shorter trees on the edge of the sidewalk. Because the nest is so low anytime someone walks by the bird attacks thinking you’re a threat.

    I know from experience – trying so hard to be butch and then screaming like a skinny white woman when the bird pecked my head!