Google Chrome: The Mission District of Browsers

Mind blown.


5 Responses to “Google Chrome: The Mission District of Browsers”

  1. pixeltan says:

    So off on the reply—you must not be familiar with our neighbor to the east: Oakland, from where this video or the idea of a scraperbike originated. You win the “worst kind of hipster” award—aka “the it all must have originated in the Mission hipster”.

  2. Cranky Old Mission Guy says:

    This one must be the link dump of all time. I’m still at the “WTF?!” stage after TRYING to watch at least part of the stupid video, and reading the original post, AND reading the follow-up comments.

    Just kill me… no, wait, kill everybody who ISN’T me.

  3. Marc says:

    The funnier part is that Chrome relies pretty heavily on [Google] Gears.