The sports bar for people who hate sports bars

That’s the vibe bartender Rob will be going for this Sunday at Thieves Tavern. Here’s the plan:

Yo, so I don’t know what the food will be, but I’ll definitely have food. I’ll be open at 10am. $5 for a PBR and shot of either Jameson or Bulleit. $6 for a Manmosa: a pint of champagne with a shot of citron vodka and OJ. $6 spiciest bloodies this side of the Mississippi.

Say what!? All that plus football and a fridge full of Old Style and a tad bit of sunlight peeking through the front windows!

[Photo by throgers]

7 Responses to “The sports bar for people who hate sports bars”

  1. Generik says:

    Hmm… I could be convinced with very little arm-twisting to try a Manmosa, I’m not (entirely) embarrassed to admit.

    Of course, the beer and shot and/or Bloodies options would probably win me over before I ever got that far… but still. Sounds good, all of them.

  2. Octo says:

    Thanks, but the Kilowatt is already perfect on Sundays during football season.

  3. Dappercat says:

    Dammit, don’t advertise this place too much. I don’t want to it to get overcrowded with drunken sports fans. It’s my neighborhood bar and a good place to watch sports (since I don’t have cable at home), play pool, and commandeer the jukebox.

  4. The problem with sports bars is that they feature inferior sports during the non-baseball seasons.

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      I could not agree more.

      Hell, even yesterday I was in a bar, and despite it being the pennant race, they were still showing some sort of boring thing that looked like some weird version of Rugby playing by sissies who have to wear 60 pounds of armor on the field.

  5. GG says:

    But what is the target audience for being a “sports bar for people who hate sports bars?” I mean, I hate sports bars, and there are plenty of non-sports bars that I can go to. And if you like sports bars, you wouldn’t be looking for a self-loathing member of the species, right? You’d be OK with a “sports bar NOT for people who hate sports bars”? Obviously, I’m overthinking this.