Watch Out For This Flexible Thief!

Loyal reader Tom C. was walking down the street when he noticed this peculiar sight:

I caught this guy breaking into and stealing from a Nissan parked at Harrison and 23rd, I took the pic and called 911. Which kinda pissed him off. He told me to give him my phone, which I declined to do and after some strong words, some scuffling and punch to the back of my head he made off with his lady friend down treat towards 24th.

Geez Tom, we hope you’re alright!  Stay alert out there, everyone!

UPDATE!!!  Tom delves into detail:

Here’s what happened, this thief and his girlfriend were walking along Harrison @ 22nd. I was walking my dog behind them, he threw something up in the air and let it crash on the ground… and kept walking. I had a look at what he had “dropped” and it was a GPS unit. I keep walking along with my dog, stalling at every tree, bush, sign post whatever so I could see what they were up to. He was walking real close to the parked cars, scoping them out I guess. Then, they stopped and started being all making out with each other. I walked past and turned the corner at 23rd.

I stopped for a second then headed back to see what they were doing. The guy had disappeared and she was sitting on the sidewalk applying makeup. I kept walking and saw the Nissan with the window smashed out and the guy inside going through the glovebox. I asked him what he was doing, “terracing” he said. I then asked him what that meant and he said “I don’t know, why you got a problem?” I snapped a quick pic of him climbing out, why he didn’t just open the door I don’t know, but he left with his girlfriend down 23rd.

I called 911 and also walked down 23rd. That’s when the guy went crazy. He saw me on the phone and charged up to me demanding the phone, saying he wanted to know who I was calling, he told me he was going to kill me if I didn’t give him the phone. I told him it wasn’t going happen and put it in my pocket, the SFPD was still on the line. So, I’m holding the guy at arms length and keeping my dog back with the other hand. He swings at me and lands one on the back of my head. “I know people, I’m gonna kill you, you’re fucking with the wrong guy” etc. They turned down Treat towards 24th and vanished. The Police showed up and took a report. The owner of the Nissan showed up and thanked me for what I did.

I’ve seen this thief on my street 3 or 4 times, he lives in the neighborhood. I showed the owner of my corner market the photo and he said that his name is Robert and his girlfriend is Claudia. Hopefully this guy will get caught eventually.

Would I get involved again? Definitely. I’d just be a bit more stealthy about it.