Fan Mail: Appropriating third world food and selling it on the streets to white crackers in sf

This nugget of win just came screaming into my inbox.

In response to the Magic Curry Kart starting a new Vietnamese porridge venture:

fuck white crackers with their start business loans and white cracker investors appropriating third world food and selling it on the streets to white crackers in sf and getting published in magazines and all you white yuppie/hipster cracker asses praising their bland ass versions in your yelp reviews and shitty cracker blogs. fuck you chef.


Opinion: Put Taggers Through a Wood Chipper

Soledad Dolores, my new favorite irreverent commenter, weighs in on the tagging controversy:

Taggers must be glad that most people don’t realize how glamorous tagging is and how great the kids feel doing it. It would be sad if it didn’t make Citizens want to beat, torture, and kill a kid for altering the surface color of a wall without permission. Put taggers through a wood chipper like Saddam’s kids did to their victims. It was sad they were killed before they could chip up more people. The chipped-up people never tagged much again. Maybe some of their victims had tagged their grammar school desk or something. Taggers are pretty much the worst things going on in the world it seems. It sad and makes my cry now.
