Mission Mission reader Todd gave us the heads up about an upcoming community meeting discussing a potential new park on 17th and Folsom:
We need your help to design a proposed new open space in the Northeast Mission! Help the City design this space and tell us what types of activities and programs are needed in the neighborhood.
The site is currently a parking lot on the corner of 17th and Folsom Streets. The City is working on acquiring this site and converting a portion of this space to a neighborhood park.
The following will be provided:
English to Spanish translation
Light refreshments
Childcare & youth friendly activities
Here’s the time and location:
Marshall Elementary School 1575 15th St. (at Capp)
Saturday, January 23
11:00 AM
I always thought this site across from the Rite Spot Cafe could use some beautifying. We all agree on parks right? I mean it’s not like this is a luxury condo, boutique store, or parking lot.
Well, I’m sure one of you will find a way to post a nasty comment about why parks are a bad idea. Such as how they have the tendency to attract those unsavory bike polo types. Go to it, readers!