French Street Art Looks… French


Our good buddy Sangroncito is in Paris for some reason. Link.

4 Responses to “French Street Art Looks… French”

  1. ct says:

    The Paris scene is pretty awesome. tofz4u is one of the most diligent capturers I’ve found.

  2. johnny0 says:

    Hey Allan, don’t forget about the Russian Space Frogs.

    You might get some nice international trips with your new gig — hit SF Weekly up for some travel budget!

  3. lindylula says:

    What’s cool is that when I was a student in Paris in 1986 I took a bunch of pictures of the graffiti at the time.

    One of my photos features that very same white figure as the photo above, which I guess could mean one of two things:
    A)They never bothered to cover it up and that graffiti is 22 years old (cool!)
    B)Somewhere out there is a rather old graffiti artist keeping it real (even cooler!)

  4. sangroncito says:

    lindylula, I love the idea that he’s still out there!

  5. [...] French Street Art. Okay so the graffiti is in France but the post is from Mission Mission. [...]