New Urinals Installed on Valencia

Ardent commenter and Ski Free expert MrEricSir captured this crew planting some trees on the recently renovated sidewalk of Valencia between 16th and 17th St.  While this definitely looks better than:

. . . Am I the only one who’s worried about where to lock up my bicycle now that all those parking meters are gone?

UPDATE!!! I am an idiot and the parking meters were reinstalled last week!  Leave it to the City to maximize parking revenue efficiency!

And this black asphalt will allegedly contain the new Días de los Muertos bike-racks!  Rad!  Nice surface area!

7 Responses to “New Urinals Installed on Valencia”

  1. mcas says:

    Actually, they re-installed the parking meters last week. Bike racks are coming soon, too- that’s what the black asphalt is a placeholder for.

  2. KevMo! says:

    Best post title ever.

  3. kiya says:

    They’re installing Días de los Muertos bike-racks up and down Valencia on both sides of the street which each one being a different wild-ass color.
    They should be installed on the finished blocks by May 1st.

  4. ptjess says:

    Ha! That is a huge urinal. Can’t wait for the construction to be done.

  5. Bob Dole says:

    Could some of you POS try not tagging something up for 1 fucking day? 1 fucking day.

  6. MrEricSir says:

    They were drilling up the asphalt in the sidewalk this morning. Based on their previous scheduling, we can expect this to be done anytime between now and 2050.

  7. marco says:

    This Valencia St. job actually has been completed a lot faster than I would have expected — it was a pretty big job, and took place through rain storms, etc. Of course the POS taggers will screw it up soon (go back to Mommy, please!). Anyone know why the chose BLACK sidewalks? I find it a strange look. Is there some benefit to the black? Seems like it may get awfully hot on that block come summertime.