Cocktail Innovation: Frozen Berries Instead of Ice

Helena had the presence of mind on this gorgeous summer Sunday to do it with Limoncello, but I can’t wait to also try it with simpler things like whiskey or rum or maybe a flaming marg. Good work, Helena!


Broken Berries

Bernal Hill Blackberry Bonanza

4 Responses to “Cocktail Innovation: Frozen Berries Instead of Ice”

  1. Heather W. says:

    frozen blueberries + whiskey + soda water = yum

  2. Cyrelle says:

    I also like frozen peaches with champagne. berries work too.

  3. Ariel Dovas says:

    My friend got me an ice cube tray that makes ice shot glasses, I filled it with juice and then took them out and filled them with vodka. Not bad.

  4. Helena says:

    Yay! Thanks guys!