Eat This Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie

SFist‘s semi-regular spotlight on vegan eating today recommends one of my favorite things, the mint chocolate chip cookie at Arizmendi:

The Mint Chocolate cookie from the brand-new Arizmendi Bakery on Valencia is basically a squished brownie with chunks of chocolate melting out of it. Like, imagine if someone took an entire bar of high-quality dark chocolate and placed it on top of a cookie before they baked it. Can we get a what-what for adult onset diabetes!? It’s the size of your face and worth every penny of its $2 price tag because it has the calories of 12 regular meals. Get it!

Yes, get it! You won’t believe it’s vegan. AND it’s so minty, you don’t even have to brush your teeth after.

Read the rest of SFist’s recommendations here.

Photo by Tory Stewart.

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