New ‘Welcome to Dolores Park’ sign is just a big ugly list of things you’re not allowed to do but probably will anyway

[Photo by Dolores Park Works] [via Uptown Almanac]

71 Responses to “New ‘Welcome to Dolores Park’ sign is just a big ugly list of things you’re not allowed to do but probably will anyway”

  1. buzzgirl says:

    Fuck this sign.

  2. why says:

    well I for one probably won’t be courteous and respectful of others…

  3. ALWAYS HIGH says:


  4. 22nd Street says:

    I’ve always thought of myself as a fairly decent person, but after reading this I’m not so sure. I’ve broken every rule (some inadvertently, like littering) except picking up dog waste (I always do that) and having a BBQ (that I can remember).

    And littering is on there twice. And “Please Obey” is the dumbest phrase ever.

    This sign is stupid.

  5. bgr says:

    Just enter on 19th and none of this bullshit matters. Fuck that sign, all the same.

  6. Although it wont have an effect on anything, this sign still makes me angry.

  7. Rajeev Dhar says:

    I hate that there has to be a sign. It is an eyesore. However, people are slobs in that park. It is littered with cigarette butts and trash. It’s shameful and sad that people abuse that land that gives them and others so much pleasure. Doubly so, because it shows a nihilistic attitude on the part of some participants when really most of them a lucky and relatively prosperous and therefore are really people who are simply selfish and vain.
    I feel the alcohol rules are antiquated nonsense, but wont be enforced. Reading between the lines of this sign, it is really a plea for help. Please be thoughtful, please pick-up after yourself. Reasonable expectations from a city that has budgetary issues and shouldn’t be wasting money picking up after a bunch of thoughtless toddlers.

    • AlaskaCasey says:

      Excellent point. It sucks that there has to be a sign, but if people didn’t trash Dolores then it wouldn’t be necessary. It sucks walking around for 20 minutes trying to find a spot in the park that isn’t full of trash or dog and/or human shit.

      • GG says:

        “It sucks that there has to be a sign, but if people didn’t trash Dolores then it wouldn’t be necessary.”

        The sign still isn’t necessary, because it won’t have any effect on that behavior.

  8. Christine says:

    Well that effectively takes all the fun out of Dolores, doesn’t it? I will continue smoking and drinking and using drugs in the park, thank you very much.

  9. GG says:

    No glass containers? Is the fuzz seriously going to bust me for drinking a bottle of Mexican Coke?

  10. Lauren says:

    No Donald Ducking

  11. Ben says:

    If I’m missing the joke, then shame on me, but I really do hope that the people making comments here hating on the sign are joking. What exactly are you hating? A sign that asks people to act like civilized adults and not five year olds? If you hate the sign, then you must hate yourselves because all it does is bring attention to the ugliness that pervades the park. We have epidemic homelessness and unemployment problems and you guys are complaining about having to be clean? Grow up.

    • Mello McGee says:

      I am SOOOO gonna fuck that sign.

    • We wanna drink and smoke in the park, go away.

      • Andreas Karlsson says:

        If most people picked up their garbage (bottles, bottle caps, cigarette butts) then there wouldn’t be a need for this sign. But as it stands as a volunteer who goes with DPW to clean up the place, the park is really quite disgusting due to the people who don’t understand the concept of not littering.

        • GG says:

          Just reiterating my comment above. There is still no *need* for this sign, because the sign is not going to affect behavior, which I think is the point most commenters are making. What is *needed* (if you believe it’s needed) is an effective way to get park-goers to follow the listed rules. This sign is not it.

          • new says:

            I’ve found that taking an ACTIVE stance on the issue seems to help. People here in Cali seem to EASILY cave to direct confrontation.

            “Hey. Why don’t you pick up your trash since I see you’re leaving?”

            Seems to work decently.

            Or I mean you could take the passive-aggressive route and complain on a blog about it.

  12. thbbbpppt says:

    “A sign that asks people to act like civilized adults and not five year olds?”

    It’s true, when you go to Dolores Park it’s mostly 5-year olds drinking 40s and ripping bongs. It’s a serious problem. I think the fault lies with the parents.

  13. SFNative says:

    Blame the transplants. Natives don’t need to be told this sh-t.

    • TheRealSFNative says:

      Blame the whites, then the hispanics, the indians, then mastadons, then the megasharks, then those things that were like birds but also dinasaurs. amoeba’s are the only ones who don’t need to be told this sh-t.

      • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:


      • Maybe we don’t need to be told this shit, but the evidence available on the blogs reporting this is pretty clear on the point that we’re going to keep doing some of it anyway. So from the point of view of the government zombies who put this sign up, we DO need to be told this shit, so they can say that we were warned after we are cited.

        I, for one, am coming around to the position that the city and county of San Francisco should delete regulations that it has neither the intention to enforce regularly, or the police officers to enforce in an impartial fashion.

        By the way, which version of the Hebrew faith do you guys belong to where the name of God is “shit” and you’re not allowed to spell it out without a dash? That one mystifies me. Shit: S-H-I-T. OK, now you can breeze your way through any spelling bee.

    • Ben says:

      Definitely watched a group of native kids show up with a box of whippets, get through the entire box in about 10-15 minutes, tossing all their shit on the grass when they were finished with it. Didn’t take a damn thing with them when they left.

      • GG says:

        I usually bring my whippets to the park, but when I do, I pick up their poop and make sure they are well-behaved.

      • How is that different from the streets of The Mission, where we live with that on a daily basis? Where are the sign on every corner saying that that is prohibited? How would that have any more effect than the signs saying that bicycle riding is prohibited on the sidewalk?

        • YAR! says:

          God, can we please have more than ONE of those in the whole neighborhood? Seriously, I think there is ONE no bikes on sidewalks sign. ONE

    • TC says:

      do you even live in the mission? there are plenty of natives that drop their trash as they walk past my house so you need to come up with a better argument than that.

  14. scum says:

    These are laws/rules that have been around for a while.

  15. The Problem with Larry says:

    How about this for fine print: “Any of the above x 2 is ok. Anything above that is illegal. Especially Drum Circles.”

  16. Chris says:

    Quit whining, it’s not even that big of a sign. People just seem eager to feel oppressed.

  17. scum says:

    The sign says nothing about public sex.

  18. Juanpablo says:

    Dude, this is so going to end up in somebody’s living room. Don’t think the parks department will have the same luck tracking it down as Mr. Pickle either.

  19. GG says:

    Awesome idea. MM should promise some sort of prize to whoever submits a photo of that sign proudly displayed in their living room. Heck, now *I* want to steal it.

  20. rocky yazzie says:

    WTF??! No Fixies didn’t make the sign list?

  21. danfinger says:

    I like the sign. But I also like things which get people’s blood all angried up. Rage on my fellow monkeys!

  22. Jonboywalton says:

    Someone Needs to Learn What a Proper Noun is and What is Not.

  23. new says:

    I’m also confused about how littering and camping are similar activities? (same line item)

    And really you can’t have a bbq in the park out here? That is a huge bummer. One of my favorite things to do on a nice day is fire up the grill… :(

  24. marco says:

    No people in the park. Revert the park to native plants and habitat! There, that will solve everything.

  25. Mikes says:

    The commercialization is starting….what a fucking joke

  26. Mission Resident says:

    It never ceases to amaze me what a bunch of 5-year olds post their disdain for a common sense sign like the one at 18th and Dolores, and think it’s such an outrage that they should be asked to live by any rules. Yes, folks, it’s all about YOU and what YOU WANT–screw the rest of the world. SF is filled with people like you who feel endlessly entitled. You take and give nothing back in return.