Cool digital art on the sign before the tunnel to Gray Whale Cove

I think maybe it’s an ad for Doc Pop’s latest album?

[via Corntard]

4 Responses to “Cool digital art on the sign before the tunnel to Gray Whale Cove”

  1. DomPara says:

    Nice of Caltrans to rebroadcast the Arecibo message!

  2. Noruko says:

    Holy name dropping pretentious ahole batman!

    I’ve heard of name dropping, but Beach name dropping whaaaaat.

    Wow you know that Pacifica exists, unlike 99% of the new Mission residents.

    Alan you have outdone yourself with the title of this post…and for a blowhard like yourself that is not easy.

    Keep on keeping on, I remember my first beer.

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Wow, does kov have a challenger for stupidest asshole? Or did he just change his handle?

  3. Noruko says:

    Just over your head Dok thats all.