EXCLUSIVE WESBURGER NEWS: Special “Mission Burger” this week only, w/ LENGUA BACON if u want it

I’m sure by now everyone knows, WesBurger n’ More has been kinda open for a couple weeks, and it’s awesome, and the space is awesome, and the Cauliflower Wedge is a surprise hit… but what you don’t know is, as of tomorrow’s grand opening, there will be a very special burger on the menu for grand opening week only: The Mission Burger.

Here’s Wes putting the finishing touches on a test batch earlier this afternoon:


What’s all on ‘em? Here’s what:

  • refried beans
  • verde salsa
  • cilantro and pickled jalapeno crema
  • shredded lettuce
  • smashed avocado
  • jack

And optionally (and most importantly):


Full disclosure: Wes is a pal, and he asked me to consult on what exactly a “Mission” burger should be, and I was like, “It should probably be kind of like a lengua super burrito from Cancun at 2:30am.” We both pondered for a second how to implement the lengua part, and simultaneously blurted out, “LENGUA BACON.” (Because, as the old saying goes, great minds think similarly when it comes to matters of lengua.)

Anyway, the lengua bacon is so fucking good. Start lining up now. Grand opening is tomorrow.

Here’s me tucking in:


And here’s a much more pro photo of the thing, on Wes’s computer:


And here’s the lengua bacon in action (be sure to push play):

Sizzlin' lengua bacon 👅👅👅👅👅

A video posted by Allan Hough (@punkgirls) on

Keep up the good work, Wes! Thanks for lunch!

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