Double the yolk, twice the fun?

Reader Nick and his chick have a little tale of getting more than they bargained for:

My GF and I bought a dozen “Rainbow” brand eggs at BiRite a little over a week ago. No less than 10 out of the 12 eggs have been double yolkers. It’s bonkers. We did some research and found out that such phenomena tend to happen in groups among flocks of chickens about the same age. Odds are high this wasn’t the only magic dozen sold at BiRite recently. This means the Mission is probably crawling with double yolk madness right about now.

Thanks for sharing, Nick. Anyone else eggsperiencing this phenomenon?

P.S. All that extra black space on either side of the video really gives me room to ponder my own mortality. Just kidding, it doesn’t. Don’t forget to turn your phone!