Portrait Project Yields Great Portraits

Mike from Inhabitat tips us to this item, a portrait project by the Curbs and Stoops design collective. Last week, they set up a couple of cameras and a “Free Portraits (w00t!)” sign on Valencia Street by Mission Playground, and started making portraits. It was a sunny summer day, so all of the hundred or so images make our community look nice and summery. They are located here, and a blog entry about this process (with behind the scenes photos) is here. Thanks, Mike!

Who Made These Dennis Richmond Portraits?

This scene is kind of old news at this point (Junk Thief covered it last week), but TK really likes these portraits and wants to know who the artist is. Somebody want to take credit?

In any case, this display is nice and all, but not as cool as when that band played a free happy-hour rock concert on that same overhang.

Update: Wow, yeah, this portrait takes the cake. Thanks, Troy!