Rosamunde Sausage Grill Comes to the Mission!

And this location has its own beer. I’ll never have to visit the Lower Haight ever again. Grub Street has the scoop.

(Thanks, Brittney!)

12 Responses to “Rosamunde Sausage Grill Comes to the Mission!”

  1. SFResident says:

    This is the best news of the week! Hopefully this means that Toronado will be a bit easier to fit into. Now if only we could build a Rosamunde in the Marina – to fend off the other demographic that turns my lovely neighborhood drinking establishment into a zoo every evening.

  2. Mike says:

    another hipster infiltration

    • G.P. says:

      Yes Mike, German women in aprons, crusty metal guys and beer bellied, middle aged men are hipsters. Booooooring.

  3. olu says:

    are the tuesday burgers coming too?

  4. SFDoggy says:

    This is great news. This combined with the recent opening of Schmidt’s will make the Mission the Sausage Capital of San Francisco.

  5. Jono says:

    ’bout time to go back up to SF…!

  6. kiya says:

    This is great news… Cafe Arguello is a pretty big spot for a Rosemunde, that’s a good addition to the hood.

  7. @marycray says:

    This is too good. It’s OWN beer?!!! Blocks away on THIS side of Market. NICE!. Great sleuthing Grub Street.

  8. [...] Meanwhile, the stage is set for a Sausage Showdown (I had to say it)  in the Mission, with Rosamunde Sausages set to open up a location near Arguello Cafe on Mission Street. (Thanks, Mission Mission) [...]

  9. Bjorn Toulouse says:

    between 24th and 25th?….damn that’s kinda far, but still a net plus for my bowels.

  10. chalkman says:

    this is something completely needed in the Mission

  11. Sarah says:

    You guys sound like a bunch of tight asses. Jason’s causing a whole lot less damage to the park busting some bmx tricks than the plethora of people (of all ages) who leave an abundance of cigarette butts, dog feces, and beer cans in every nook and cranny of Delores, or have any of you even visited the “city park” lately?