Public Service Announcement: Read Steinbeck

My favorites are The Winter of Our Discontent and The Moon Is Down. How ’bout you?

Photo by Steve Rhodes.

6 Responses to “Public Service Announcement: Read Steinbeck”

  1. tim says:

    in dubious battle

    the last line is one of the best and most inspirational last lines ever.

  2. emamd says:

    of mice and men

  3. Ariel Dovas says:

    Tortilla Flat is like a story of The Mission, but really, East of Eden, nothing like it.

  4. Rod says:

    i love Steinbeck but what’s more pretentious than going around pasting up posters telling people they should be reading something that you think is good?

  5. [...] week, we were told to read Steinbeck, and I suggested The Moon Is Down, and then I started In Dubious Battle on reader Tim’s [...]

  6. Jon z says:

    East of Eden is an American classic, Of Mice and Men is wonderful too