Because It Sucks

Many Machines saw this tagger slapping a sticker on a bus somewhere, took action, and then wrote an open letter to the kid explaining why:

It is very important that you understand that I didn’t do this because of some sort of anti-sticker philosophy.  (My views on the matter are fairly fluid.)

I pulled your sticker down because it sucks.  Really, it’s terrible.

Read on for the whole story and pics of the sucky sticker.

20 Responses to “Because It Sucks”

  1. Rafter says:

    I love this. It should happen way more often. We need good editors for our cities.

  2. Birnbaum says:

    Really? Calling out teenagers on a city bus? Hopefully you’ll stop before your son is a teen, and you can remember what it’s like to be one. What we really need is the camera police.

    • SFDoggy says:

      Huh? just because someone is a teenager they should be allowed to deface property? Sorry, stickers suck, they all suck. They just degrade the visual environment. Teenagers should learn to live in civilized society. I understand that many who read this blog still think that stickers and graffiti vandalism is somehow cool and daring, but really it is just infantile and self-centered (and, of course, doodles are not art, they are just lame). Grow Up!

    • punkassbitch says:

      i agree, it’s not your property, keep your fucking stickers off of it.
      once you own something you’ll understand birnbaum

  3. Hal says:

    Hate to ride it but sometimes I’m on the 44. Thanks Many. No love for toys.

  4. asdf says:

    how fucking weak.. you not the kid.

    • bitchplz says:

      the person who took the picture is not weak, he has balls!
      the kids is weak, look at his scrawny arms!
      arrest him

  5. Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

    That is hilarious. More taggers should be called out for the low quality of their output.

  6. more photos please says:

    please post more photos of these punks, teenagers or not.
    it is private property, don’t destroy it, douche bags

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Actually, MUNI is PUBLIC property.

      And, to be fair, stickers aren’t destroying anything, they’re just unsightly. However, unlike glass-etchers and paint pens, they’re relatively easy to clean up.

  7. bitch plz says:

    why are people so afraid to do this, i wish everyone had the balls to take a pic.

  8. no_one says:

    you know … chicken scratch graffiti should be edited out ….

  9. OGcracker says:

    So, … I have to put my two cents in this ridiculous discussion. First of all, wow, I hope you aren’t that controlling with your kid when he grows up.

    But on the other hand, that was a week tag. Scragly pen with loose penmanship. The worst kind of slop. What are we to do??!! What I do is spend the time to make interesting and beautiful stickers to educate and edify the taggers to step up the artistic craft and entertain (hopefully) the folks who see them too. Something tells me thats not why the taggers get down though. I hope you let my shit stay up so others can see it.

    As far as the ownership point. Fuck that, to a certain point. We are inondated all the time by adds and crappy architecture…… people should be able to express. If your having trouble with gaff on you building and the city is dinging you … I have an idea! Hire a muralist to paint your spot and the graffiti will subside. Heres my card. I can even slap a coat of graffiti proffing on there for ya.

  10. OGcracker says:

    Reminds me of my self at his age but I was on the 14 and had a sk8 board.

  11. frisco muni terrorist says:

    i likes how yur bitch ass took a flik when he turned his face beware some taggers arnt as scrawny as this lil man right here watch you dont get your face busted and yur camara took next time

  12. lazylibra says:

    that shit was toy. you could have called him out on his toy shit in front of everyone. have the whole bus commenting on his wack as chicken scratching. make him take down his own sticker and slap it on his forehead in shame.

  13. lazylibra says:

    that shit was toy. you could have called him out on his toy shit in front of everyone. have the whole bus commenting on his wack ass chicken scratching. make him take down his own sticker and slap it on his forehead in shame.

  14. hipster1000 says:

    yeah i cant believe people would do these kind of things, how rude…and also disrespectful to muni’s property, and having to look at that awful stuff everyday while i take the bus i cant even just pay attention to the beautiful city out side the window.

  15. hipster1000 says:

    way to go for posting this really mad my day or the rest of my life.