Four Loko's Popularity Among High Schoolers on the Decline

[Photo by Alissa]


Four Loko Popular Among Elementary Schoolers

6 Responses to “Four Loko's Popularity Among High Schoolers on the Decline”

  1. vitajex says:

    Really? I was reading it as a promotion for a Norse mythology-inspired sex cult-

    Fuck 4 Loki…

  2. Tim says:

    why the hating on fractals? Mandlebrot will never die (R.I.P. Benoît Mandelbrot).

  3. alyssa says:

    Four loko is scary. its rape juice.

  4. terrydean says:

    four loko is awesome. i love that it’s made out to be some kind of monster.

  5. MrEricSir says:

    “You ate my fractal.”

  6. guitar polka / al dexter 1946 (16) sometimes, he just has to knock you down. santa claus is coming to town (intro) can any christian woman listen to this song and not cry? this songs reminds the christian that when life is over, it has really just begun. so much so that if you’re even mildly into pop music you’ll enjoy this album.