Young Omer

The calm before the storm?

[via Last Renaissance]

34 Responses to “Young Omer”

  1. tc says:

    Is this from Bert Katz’s book?

  2. I think you mean ‘younger Omer’. “Young Omer” that is not.

  3. I heard a story from the guys at Lucca that the owner of Amnesia gave Omer a little beat-down. Can we have a MissionMission special investigation?

  4. Franklon says:

    he was crazy the same… or just younger?

  5. Raygun says:

    That guy is a violent freak. He doesn’t deserve all the attention he gets.

    • truth says:

      He has mental health problems and, while sometimes being aggressive, certainly isn’t a “violent freak.”

      Also, your blog sucks.

      • vertebrains says:

        In this case, it’s difficult to tell where the mental health issues end and the asshole begins. Regardless, he’s a homophobe who assaults and harasses women with relative impunity, so I’m gonna say “violent freak” describes his public persona pretty well.

        • Raygun says:

          He has threatened my life on multiple occasions and screamed in my face after I was trying to be nice to him. So STFU like you know what you’re talking about.

          And it’s a tumblr blog. Get over it.

          • Omer Sapien says:

            Omer has Googlebus radar. Real recognize Real, and if he scared you, then you are spineless and should live elsewhere.

  6. Juanpablo says:

    This is just sad. Mental health issues should not be given a cursory gloss.

  7. Tom in SFCA says:

    Giving mental heath issues a cursory gloss has been a defining characteristic of San Francisco since the reign of Emperor Norton.

  8. Tony The Pony says:

    It’s funny that all the mission girls aren’t lining up to sleep with him. He dresses in really shitty thrift clothes and plays shitty music. I really don’t see the difference between him and anyone you’d meet at Pop’s.

  9. Native says:


    • Allan Hough says:

      If being “native” is your defining quality, you should really be out there working on getting some new qualities. Maybe if you’d get off your ass and go see the world and live somewhere else for a while, simple things like *other people* wouldn’t make you feel violent.

      • GG says:

        If that’s the same crank who always rants about being “native,” maybe he can hang out with Omer and they can help solve each others’ mental health problems.

        By the way, FYI for anyone who’s lived in California for fewer than a couple of decades, the reason we have so many mentally ill homeless people isn’t just because SF is so wacky/tolerant/etc. It goes back to Reagan and his war on funding for mental health treatment and other policies. Here’s kind of a primer, if you are interested:

        /historical info

      • Chris says:

        You mean like that big place you can see from that park you always talk about?

  10. Swilson says:

    somebody medicate that guy!

  11. no.thanks. says:

    srsly if that guy ever fucks with you just call him by his name.

    him: “oememgmeagjeahefaggotnigger!”

    you: “OMER! Stop that!”

    shuts him down every time.

  12. Native says:

    I grew up here and by here i mean the mission!!!! He used to be normal…. I would rather see him than some soul sucking hipster! Forcing natives out with your boring stores that you find hip! He belongs here! If you do not like it, very simple, LEAVE!

    • drip says:

      unless you’re full-blood Miwok, you are not native.

      • Omer Sapien says:

        Miwoks actually came from Asia across the land-bridge and totally gentrified Mount Tam.

      • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

        Miwoks? Those stuck-up fuckers are from Marin. SF natives are Ohlone, bitches.

        • Nation of Tribes says:

          After the Europeans arrived in California, the population declined from diseases introduced by the Europeans. Beginning in 1783, mission ecclesiastical records show that Coast Miwok individuals began to join Mission San Francisco de Asis, now known as Mission Dolores. They started joining that mission in large numbers in 1803, when the marriages of 49 couples from their Huimen and Guaulen local tribes (San Rafael and Bolinas Bay) appeared in the Mission San Francisco Book of Marriages.[9] Local tribes from farther and farther north along the shore of San Pablo Bay moved to Mission San Francisco through the year 1812. Then in 1814 the Spanish authorities began to split the northern groups—Alagualis, Chocoimes (alias Sonomas), Olompalis, and Petalumas—sending a portion of each group to Mission San Francisco and another portion to Mission San Jose in the southeast portion of the San Francisco Bay Area. By the end of the year 1817, 850 Coast Miwok had been converted.[10]

          -from Wikipedia – im no expert.

          • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

            Key there is “Moved to Mission San Francisco”… Miwok were basically North Bay.. Ohlone were South side of the bay, SF/Berkeley/Richmond, etc all the way down to Monterey/Salinas area.

          • GG says:

            The Miwoks and the Ohlones were ALL gentrifying motherfuckers who ruined SF. The REAL natives were the Clovis people, and they are well-known for their refusal to put up with those hipsters who ruined it for all the REAL NATIVES.

          • GG says:

            Sorry, I stand corrected, based on this new discovery. Descendents of the Clovis apparently also need to get the hell out of the Mission and make way for the REAL NATIVES:

    • Nosmo King says:

      It must be pretty miserable to be trapped in the same neighborhood all of your life, like a pill bug under a rotting log. You have my sympathy.

    • TC says:

      So… when you say you “grew up here” does that mean you weren’t born here?

      If you don’t like the soul sucking hipsters, very simple, LEAVE!

  13. Omer Sapien says:

    Nosmo, I heard you OD’d bro….
