How About a Stop Sign on Dolores at 19th?

SFist just published a barn-burner of a post about an effort to slap a stop sign on the above intersection so as to curb drivers tearing ass down the hill. Read up.

Photo by TomasFu.

8 Responses to “How About a Stop Sign on Dolores at 19th?”

  1. ct says:

    Given how many stop signs are on Dolores, it is completely crazy that there isn’t one here. If you’re heading north (coming down the hill), it is actually hard to see pedestrians crossing from the left due to the tree cover.

  2. Ferocious Foot Odor says:

    The comments on this have been largely along the lines of “how about waiting till the street is clear before crossing.” They have a point. But it seems like a stop sign there would be a no brainer. Not that cyclists will pay any attention to it.

  3. Mike says:

    Does Brock really need to turn into such an ass in such a short time window? Is this the nature of fame? Or is this just the latent Brock let loose?

  4. I’m all for cars, IN THEIR PROPER PLACE, but I think that what most San Francisco intersections need are sensors and POP-UP PARKING LOT SPIKES. Cars are great, but drivers suck. Especially SF drivers (not that the bikers or pedestrians are any better…)

    Try to roll through that intersection and you will DAMN WELL come to a stop, motherfucker.