When did Conan O’Brien become so crass?

I don’t usually care for reading about other people’s dreams, but Sexpigeon just had a doozie. Somehow he ended up on a horrific future version of Conan’s show:

There is a lot of cussing. Later, Justin Long leads everyone in a game where we each pretend to be a different member of Rocky & Bullwinkle. He describes situations and we use our iPhones to conjure up objects that our characters might use in this situation. We project them holographically. This is a skill unto itself: often the objects appear slightly melted when projected by a novice. Justin Long is quite good at projecting and is eventually showing us parlor tricks one can do with an iPhone hologram projector.

Read on if you want more mind blown. Be sure you get to the part about the wrap party. The horror!

[Photo by Bryan Haggerty]

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