Hoosier pride

Anders’ Indiana hat is not quite as epic as Jen’s Cincinnasti hat, but it’s pretty good. Let’s hear it for the Midwest!

8 Responses to “Hoosier pride”

  1. Some pundits became concerned after the American trucker hat started showing up in unexpected places like early 21st century SE Russia, Northern Turkey and even suburban Salt Lake City, often decorated with incomprehensible faux-graffiti graphics, advertising non-existent companies and brands that some might have thought to exist in the U.S. but were actually conceived by some third world screen printer in Singapore! Guh-Huh?! Despite the confusion, at the right time of night in the Bay Area fog, it’s a grungey and familiar nod to cheap beer and bad music! Incidentally, if any of you slimy grad-school barfly fashionistas actually want to learn the fine art of big-rigging, it’s less than two years training:


    Actual employment! It’s so authentic! Don’t worry, you can still take out of focus pictures of telephone poles or your friends getting drunk and hang out in dingy bars with white trash degenerates! Why not get paid for it?!

  2. heather says:

    it’s easy to be excited about the midwest when you dont actually have to live there, huh?

  3. Pedro Navaja says:

    Nostalgia for Pilgrims and hipsters.

  4. ndc says:

    Thank goodness I never have to go back to Indiana again. Never!!

  5. wot_ever says:

    Where did Prince Charles go for his first honeymoon? InDiana. (cue rimshot)

  6. laura says:

    i love Tiny Anders!!

  7. Marky Mark Mission says:

    Cool lets celebrate the douchebags who ruined the mission!

  8. Awwwww, Marky’s mad.