Learn from the best!

[via @weedemoji]

8 Responses to “Learn from the best!”

  1. Allie says:

    Barry Zito too!

  2. st.loz says:

    Third Eye Blind is by far the most atrocious act to have any semblance of fame to come out of San Francisco. I’d rather smell a bum’s crotch than to ever have the unfortunate mishap of ever hearing even one shitty note of theirs. Those who “blindly” even apathetically consider their “music” as something worth a listen need to, need to a heed a righteous and royal fuck off.

    • Cristina says:

      Perhaps you are not familiar with Train? Pretty sure they take the top spot. Those lyrics are so stupid that I’m actually offended by them.

  3. David HassleHough says:

    You forgot about No Sisters

  4. SuckDeezNuts says:

    SMH at the Hipster funk in the comments.
    No one said you had to love any of these bands… I’m sorry to be the one to let you know it doesn’t make you any cooler by stating you are cooler than liking these bands.