New 780 Valencia mural in progress

While it’s going to take a lot to replace the awesomeness of the hammocked ladies in the original mural, Jonathon here is definitely up to the task.  He’ll probably paint your house if you ask him too.

(Photo by Chris!)


Did your band play on the roof this weekend?


No? Well, then you really missed out! Next time!

Apparently thunderstorms are to San Franciscans what earthquakes are to Midwesterners

At least according to every Facebook and Twitter newsfeed I happened to lay eyes on last night.  Everyone had something to say about the thunder, either regarding how awesome or terrifying it was, but the most striking sentiment came from a friend’s FB post:

It made me realize that in the 6 or 7 years I’ve lived in SF myself as well, I can’t exactly remember experiencing a thunderstorm either.  I guess they just don’t happen here ever?  I could have sworn that they were commonplace when living in Berkeley before that, but perhaps that’s an invented memory too.  At the very least, nature’s sonic performance last night finally gave all the East Coasters and Midwesterners something to be smug about!

[Photo by trophygeek]


But damn, did it EVER rain last night!

Ariel was pretty happy that it did NOT rain yesterday, as was I since I did not get absolutely soaked on my bike ride home from work like I did the previous evening.  However, is it just me or were any of you woken up at around 4am this morning by the LOUDEST rain storm (sans thunder) that you’ve ever heard?  Seriously, it was a deluge out there–it sounded like there was a waterfall outside of my window!

Please tell me that I’m not crazy.

[Photo by land of entrapment]

Attempted mugging in Clarion Alley by 3 kids with a half empty bottle of Coke

This type of thing has really been happening a lot recently, so everyone be sure to take extra care when walking around alone late at night.  This time the intended victim was San Francisco’s premier fashion blogger, The Fog Bender:

Walked my bike up Clarion alley and was confronted by 3 kids who couldn’t have been older than 18.  They ran up to me and started throwing punches and actually knocked me down and kicked me in the head a few times before i got up and started scrapping with them.  I picked up my bike and started swinging it at them saying “you wanna fuck with me?”  One of them threw a half empty plastic bottle of Coke at me.

Read the harrowing conclusion here.

Taqueria sombrero


Taquerias in the Mission are obviously great and all, but how many of them are wearing their own sombreros?

Disco ball helmet is either the greatest idea ever or the worst folly in the history of cycling

On one hand, this easily is the raddest helmet ever, constantly demonstrating how fabulous you are as you zip through intersections bedazzling  pedestrians and motorists alike while belting out ABBA tunes, leaving freshly seared retinas in your wake.  On the other hand, actually getting into an accident while wearing this thing might turn a normally harmless collision into a horrifyingly disfiguring one  for your face:

No haphazardly glued plastic mirror pieces here, this is the real deal (this disco ball helmet uses real glass).

Legitimate concern aside,  I say GIMME GIMME GIMME!  Should you happen to agree, you can find step-by-step DIY instructions for how to make your own here!

[Link via Laughing Squid]

Pow-pow-powerwheel Winnebago


Say what you will about how tough it is to let go of your favorite memories from childhood. This guy will just laugh as his sweet off-road powerwheel SUV or jeep kicks sand (or gutter piss) in your face while he rides by.

And then you can laugh when the battery conks out a block or two down the road. Unless of course the driver is a miniature albino with dreadlocks.

Hot Snakesssss

Right now, @ Bottom of the Hill

Trash catastrophe


It wasn’t me.  But at least it won’t take a crane.



The most popular garbage can in the Mission

Andrew Sarkarati

Posts: 1023

Email: andrew (at)


Biographical Info:

Andrew likes pizza, videogames, and bicycles. He also plays drums in La Corde. His greatest contribution to mankind is Taco Thursday.