In the boiler room with the lead pipe


Isn’t Tim Curry the best?


Looking for something to do with all those extra acid doses you somehow ended up with last weekend from Dolores Park?  Well, have we got just thing for you!  From the creators:

We’ll be filling a pitch black space with thousands of balloons way above head level. We’re custom building special motion-sensitive LEDS that light up and then fade out to go inside many of the balloons.  Come rediscover the playful side of life as you wade your way through a pitch-black sea of thousands of balloons that respond to your movements with ethereal glows of light.

Part dance party, part existential crisis, and totally FREE!  Check out all the details here!

Vietnamese fried chicken popup dinner this Saturday

The talented ladies from Rice Paper Scissors are back this Saturday with another popup dinner straight from Saigon, and this time they’re bringing you the Vietnamese answer to fried chicken. Com Ga is the name of the game, a treat which Katie and Valerie first stumbled upon in a garage in Saigon where they witnessed folks cooking this  in a vertical drip fryer which basically cooks the heck out the chicken by streaming hot oil all over it. The perfect pre-Mother’s Day meal!

Check out all the details here, and full menu after the jump.

Valencia swing is back, this time with glorious streamers

You knew it was only a matter of time before the whimsical fun squad struck back against both the city and the fun-hating grinches determined to keep Valencia Street free from pendulum tyranny.  And this time they’ve done it in grand festive style, with glorious streamers to accentuate the riders’ flight as they glide through the air (while respectfully watching out for pedestrians, of course).  Furthermore, eagle-eyed readers may notice that the cord on this new swing matches the orange and black braiding of the original swing before it was hacked down by misinformed neighborhood vigilante Carmen Castillo, suggesting that this may be the work of the originators!

We can only wonder how long this incarnation lasts before the anti-fun police have their way, but for now both the young and young-at-heart have a new toy with which to play.


Dance with your purse!

MM reader Genea recently spotted this informative bathroom PSA and adds:

As we all know, shit gets stolen at bars in our neighborhood. Let’s start a new campaign that might end with a few less girls crying about their lost iPhones at the end of the night….

And if dancing with your purse is too annoying, don’t forget that there’s always brockets!


Kickstart the new Social Studies record!

One of our favorite bands to ever come out of the city is finally ready for you to hear all the songs they’ve been writing for the past year on a brand new full length LP, and they could definitely use your help!  And the rewards for this Kickstarter are pretty rad too.  I mean, imagine Social Studies coming out to play your house!  Check out all the details here!

If you’ve never heard Social Studies, they’re kind of impossible to describe, so just settle down and listen for a second:


Hard French kisses

With the first heatwave of Spring just behind us, it’s time to start thinking about fun stuff to do outside again! And if it happens to be the first Saturday of the month, you can’t go wrong with Hard French, the fabulous daytime dance party on the El Rio patio.

Our pal Katie recently delved into the details of what makes it such a rad party on the Bold Italic:

The name Hard French was born from an offhand comment by Tina Faggotina regarding his desire to French kiss a boy hard. Devon adds, “We call it Hard French because we want people to do it hard, and our crowd really brings it.”

Read the rest here!

Where’s Waldo?


Dolores Park, apparently, and probably sweltering from the looks of it. Perhaps not the best choice of weekend for this particular ensemble, but at least he’s not totally blowing it.

Signs of change in the neighorhood

Eh, perhaps I meant “change of signs,” but that’s not as catchy.  In any case, it looks like Rhea’s is going with the classy retro look to match their classy sandwiches.  Meanwhile, they’re up to something over at Escape From NY Pizza, but as to what, your guess is as good as mine.

Also, if you’re not outside right now, you’re totally blowing it.

[Both Photos by Ariel's Twitter]


MM Bloody Marython is back this Sunday!

The first heatwave of Spring is officially upon us, and that means it’s time for another Bloody Marython! Join us this Sunday as we make the rounds through the Southside of the Mission, with plans to hit up the Attic, El Rio, Iron & Gold, and the Knockout! It better be a shitshow by the time we get to the end, so don’t disappoint!

We’re gonna start at the Attic at Noon, and you can follow any moves we make by checking out our Twitter. Also, don’t forget to tip well! See ya there! RSVP and invite your friends!

[Photo by Ariel]


Andrew Sarkarati

Posts: 1023

Email: andrew (at)


Biographical Info:

Andrew likes pizza, videogames, and bicycles. He also plays drums in La Corde. His greatest contribution to mankind is Taco Thursday.