New Mission Theater tattoo

I wonder if this will gain him free access to the new New Mission Theater once it reopens as an Alamo Drafthouse some time next year.

[via The Fog Bender]

Another cute bunny! [NSFW]

A bunch of haters in the comments section (surprise, surprise) didn’t seem to like the pics of cute bunnies we posted on Friday.

Maybe they’ll prefer this one, by our pal The Fog Bender:

The Fog Bender sums up the World Series thus far

Go Giants!

Double rainbow overload!

Yesterday evening San Francisco had an epic rainbow. We posted a few pictures that were submitted to us by readers, but I figured we’d better also share the wealth of trippy pics that’ve been popping up in our various feeds ever since. There’ve been a ton though, so you’re gonna have to do some of the work yourself. Pick a name you like, and see that name’s pic (or pics) — or click through to each and every one for a DOUBLE RAINBOW OVERLOAD:

  1. Zoe Banks
  2. Joanie Horne
  3. Leanne Feeley
  4. Tabby Russell
  5. Finch Linden
  6. Jess Kelso
  7. Lisa Tauber
  8. Arthur A.
  9. Hey Goodbye
  10. Sarah Griff
  11. Little Pink Devotional
  12. Anadromy
  13. C’mon Pony
  14. Christina
  15. Leah
  16. Glenn Nevill
  17. Last Renaissance
  18. The Tens
  19. The Fog Bender

[Photo by Leanne Feely]

Do you ever listen to Terry Gross and wonder what her boobs look like?

The Fog Bender does:

Surfing your bike down the epic concrete barrel that is the Stockton Tunnel

Aaaaaaaand, that’s a 12-pack on the rear rack. Critical Mass rules. (And it’s got its big 20th anniversary celebration coming up!)

Let’s rock:

[via The Fog Bender]

Disaster comics

We heard air raid sirens yesterday afternoon despite it not being Tuesday at noon. Turned out it was just a test, but our pal The Fog Bender immediately began imagining the worst:

One more doozy after the jump:


Bus blitzes fire hydrant, begets geyser at Cesar Chavez and Valencia

Our pal The Fog Bender was on the scene. And what a scene!

Luckily, it appears all’s well, unless you’re the hydrant:

The Fog Bender: Too High

The Fog Bender: Awesome Week in Texas