Skateboard streetfood

We tried to use all the CSI imagery equipment we have back at the Mission Mission labs to sharpen this photo up a bit and elucidate as many details as possible, but perhaps you can still make out a crock pot on top of some sort of heating apparatus, both of which are being pushed along on a skateboard.  Mission ingenuity wins again!

Of course, it’s times like these when you really curse those textured yellow anti-skateboard strips at every intersection sidewalk ramp . . .

BREAKING: Many shots fired at El Tin Tan

Shooting at El Tin Tan

I heard something like 20+ shots fired at about 11:00pm. At least three people in the bar shot. Hoping for the best.

UPDATE: 5 victims at El Tin Tan.

UPDATE 2: Pancho Villa’s right door was shattered, but the doorman was unharmed. He was already sweeping up the glass. No deaths at the scene.

UPDATE 3: This is even more troubling when you consider earlier in the day the SF Examiner was reporting that the violence in The Mission had calmed down.

More pics by N. Von Joo after the jump.


It’s cool, he’s totally friendly

Just so you know, no matter how friendly this thing is said to be, my gut reaction would be to kill it with fire and run very fast in the other direction.  It may look cute on paper, but imagine it as a real creature. You’d do the same thing too.

Check out more Swampy here.  Just as “friendly” as the guard dog.

Also, I would like a pony

And maybe if you have time you can get me more cupcakes!  Please?


BART needs a yarn bomb, stat!

I took BART today for the first time in ages, and was immediately reminded that A.) I do not like being in a small crowded areas with people picking their nose next to me, B.) I really need to fix my bike brake, and C.) didn’t they release some study a few weeks ago about fecal matter on BART seats OHMYGOD no one touch me.

After scrubbing my hands raw, I came across this completely AWESOME solution to our BART bacterial bacchanal:

How nifty is this? Ishknits, a knitting connoisseur based in Philly, needs to come to San Francisco ASAP and help us with our small, possibly outbreak-esqe problem and hook us up with some knit seat covers!

[via Wooster]

Enormous cigarette

See it? I was hoping she was gonna light it up, but she just kept strollin’ right on down Bryant Street.

I’ve never been a smoker, but I’d have had a puff, had she offered.

Moped thief chops down stop sign to thieve moped

Have you ever heard of such a thing? What a heist!

The bike’s owner, Katie E., was not exactly impressed:

I had 2 chained to the sign. They cut the sign, took one (red puch maxi) and left the other, shown in the photos.

Every mopeder in sf knows about this and we’re gonna find that shit fucker who took it. I worked hard to make that bike. I didn’t just buy it. Other people were really nice about teaching me what to do, so I’m pissed that their time went into making something that some douche gets to have.

She’s not kidding. I’m no mopeder, but I used to do karaoke every Wednesday with a moped gang called the Landsquids, and they were some tough customers. Look out, shit fucker!

Asked to elaborate on the plight this thief is sure to face, Katie E. elaborates:

Hey dickwad, if that thing breaks, you won’t be able to fix it without buying parts from my friends. If you part it out, youll earn, like, $.99 an hour for the time it takes you. You want a trophy? You want to prove a point? Ok, you proved it. You’re too fucking retarded to know the difference between a cute bike and a good bike. Go flush your head down the public toilet on Powell and Market. Or better yet, go ride the maxi out one night and my crew will gladly facilitate the experience.

Blam! Tough customers!

Anyway, I guess don’t go thinking that if you lock your vehicle to a steel post stuck in solid concrete that it’s safe.

(Thanks for the tip, Susan!)


Best Seward Slides video ever?

You be the judge. The sound is important:

(Thanks, ejcsanfran!)

Street fashion on the walls and in a book

If you missed the Street Threads opening at Density on Saturday, don’t fret. The show will be up for a while longer, so stop in any time and see if you see yourself up on the wall or in the official Street Threads book.

The opening looks like it was a good time though, as you can see here.

Pi-priced beer at Pi Bar today only

If you’re feeling extra nerdy today and looking for some cheap beer, Pi Bar has priced all of their draught beers for only $3.14 all day long.  A pretty legit deal for some great microbrew beers, especially on a rainy Monday like today and you’re still waiting for that check your mom sent you to clear.  Just saying.

Like Pi Bar on Facebook for more updates such as this.