The Quotidian Documents Mission Street Food

Mission Mission received an email  this morning from Kai Hsing, founder/writer/producer/editor of The Quotidian, an ongoing documentary project that aims to capture how people are finding new ways to create change in their communities.  From Kai:

I thought you should know about our latest story that goes behind the scenes of Mission Street Food, which I know you are familiar with by now. In the video, we not only try to capture what the MSF events are all about, but also visit a couple charitable organizations to see how money donated from the event is being used to benefit the community. Finally, we take a look at how MSF’s charitable model might be replicated in a neighborhood near you, or even elsewhere in the country.

Nice.  Now on with the show:

You can read more here, if so inclined.

San Francisco is awesome because things like Mission Street Food work.  I’m curious to hear about more of these springing up across the country, so if you know a thing, don’t forget to holler.